Evergreen | Solo Exhibition of New Artworks by Kim Cogan

Evergreen36” X 36”oil on canvas


36” X 36”

oil on canvas


September 7th - 28th, 2019

Opening Reception Saturday September 7th 6 - 9pm

Hashimoto Contemporary

804 Sutter Street

San Francisco, CA 94109

tel: 415.655.9265



New Works By Kim Cogan

Hashimoto Contemporary, San Francisco

September 2019

Artist Kim Cogan explores the passage of time, integrating both present and remembered subjects in his latest works on exhibition at Hashimoto Contemporary in San Francisco.

His awareness of memory and place as emotional triggers continue to be a source of creative exploration and expression. Some paintings are grounded in Cogan’s experience of a particular neighborhood, such as Into the Sunset and Nightcrawler, in which the artist uses color and light to represent the essence of his surroundings. Other paintings are seemingly devoid of explicit markings that identify a precise setting. Destination Unknown uses composition and gradations of color to direct the viewer’s gaze towards an undetermined, yet familiar focal point. In this way, Cogan creates a harmony between memory and realism. 

Paintings like Pay Little are built up over several layers to depict contrasting areas of light. Cogan’s rooftop panoramas skillfully balance painstaking detail with suggestive elements that the eye completes. This slow and dynamic technique evident on the canvas parallels a similar transformation of the city itself—constant and continuously renewing. 

It is perhaps especially meaningful that the pharmacy depicted in Evergreen is one that no longer exists. Through a narrative of vanishing landscapes, Cogan’s work attempts to capture a permanence of change.

To acquire artworks please contact Dasha Matsuura, Gallery Director.
tel: 415.655.9265
email: sf@hashimotocontemporary.com

Studio, Summer 2019 by Kim Cogan


Busy preparing a solo exhibition opening at Hashimoto Contemporary, September 2019.

Please sign up for my newsletter to receive advance preview of the exhibition.

Art Market San Francisco 2019 by Kim Cogan


Hashimoto Contemporary will be exhibiting my new artwork at the Art Market San Francisco, April 25 - 28th, 2019. I hope that you will be able to attend and have a look up close and enjoy. For purchasing details, please contact Hashimoto Contemporary phone: 415.796.3774, email: info@hashimotocontemporary.com.

Art Market San Francisco

Hashimoto Contemporary

April 25 - 28th, 2019

Fort Mason Center - Festival Pavilion
2 Marina Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94123

Dallas Art Fair And Art Market San Francisco This Month by Kim Cogan

I am pleased to announce that my artwork will be included in two art fairs this month, Dallas Art Fair and Art Market San Francisco. If you are an art lover, I recommend a visit to see the selection of modern and contemporary art from leading national and international galleries.

Dallas Art Fair happens April 11 - 14th, 2019. Please visit Gallery Henoch and have a look up close in person. For purchasing details, please contact Gallery Henoch phone: 917.305.0003, email: info@galleryhenoch.com.

Dallas Art Fair

Gallery Henoch

April 11 - 14th, 2019

Fashion Industry Gallery
1807 Ross Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75201


LES48” X 48”oil on canvas


48” X 48”

oil on canvas


Context Art Miami by Kim Cogan


Please come visit Gallery Henoch booth #C217, at CONTEXT ART MIAMI 2018, Dec. 4 - 9th. Gallery Henoch will be exhibiting “Dumbo at Dusk.”


Parallel Transformations by Kim Cogan

November 8th - December 1st, 2018


To acquire, please contact tel: 917.305.0003 or email: info@galleryhenoch.com

Gallery Henoch
555 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10001

Parallel Transformations by Kim Cogan

Solo Exhibition

November 8 - December 1, 2018.

Opening Reception Thursday November 8th, 6 - 8pm.

Gallery Henoch
555 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10001

Manhattan from above72" X 90”oil on canvas

Manhattan from above

72" X 90”

oil on canvas

Parallel Transformations

New Works by Kim Cogan

Gallery Henoch, New York

November 2018

“The painting emerges and is transformed in parallel with the city.” –Antonio Lopez

Artist Kim Cogan returns to the altered and familiar landscapes of New York City in his first solo exhibition at Gallery Henoch in seven years.

His new body of work reflects Cogan’s many reencounters with the city, merging both observed and remembered perspectives. Paintings such as View from Pearl Paints and Dumbo at Dusk harken back to a previous reality, recognized only by some. Perpetually grounded in his explorations of the city, his paintings recall a progression of locations studied—from street-level alleyways to rooftop panoramas.

Cogan’s brand of realism is characterized by an atmospheric intentionality. Figures do appear in the work, as in Man on a Street Corner and Passenger, but Cogan’s use of light, color and contrast also suggest narrative elements. In Plan B and Fifth Avenue, he situates our gaze purposefully to evoke a sense of unknown curiosity.

Perhaps the painting most revelatory of the artist’s frame of mind is Wish You Were Here. Depicting his mother-in-law (who suffers from Alzheimer’s) sitting quietly in his living room, the painting is a snapshot of a transformative moment in Cogan’s recent past. “I wanted to capture this defining time in our lives, and how I have been changed by it.”

To acquire, please contact tel: 917.305.0003 or email: info@galleryhenoch.com

Gallery Henoch
555 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10001